The human papilloma virus, penetrating the body, can manifest itself in the form of warts in various places. If the virus has penetrated into the genitals, then on their skin and mucous membranesgenital warts can develop. The disease can occur asymptomatically for a long time, but the failure of immunity provokes more active growth of
Category: Genital Warts
Perhaps, you will be surprised that the clinical manifestations of genital warts are present in 15-20% of men infected with HPV. The remaining 80% have the dormant (latent) state of the infection. In 70% of the representatives of the strong half, the disease is transient: the immune system copes with a virus attack, and the
Warts of any kind are always a concern because many people consider such a skin formation to be a sign of cancer or parasitic pathologies. Vaginal warts cause much more concern - they cause discomfort, they can infect the sexual partner, they are easy to hook with the underwear. Why are warts formed in vagina?
Anal warts are just one of the manifestations of the very common in our days HPV (human papilloma virus). In this case, the disease manifests itself in the form of dry outgrowths or genital warts, centered around the anus and on the adjacent area of the rectum. Often such neoplasms merge with each other, forming